Meet Jax And His Daughter Jacqueline In The New ‘Mortal Kombat X’ Trailer

Back in middle school, because I was 13 and all my friends were similarly juvenile, we wondered if Jax had a robotic “third arm,” as well. Apparently not, or if he does, he’s still got nards, as we meet his daughter in the new trailer for Mortal Kombat X.

Jax is his usual self; he’s a big dude with robotic arms, so he uses said robotic arms to beat the tar out of people. Jacqueline, meanwhile, appears to be faster but hits just as hard as dear old Dad, as the trailer shows her beating the crap out of Sub-Zero. That said, she can’t turn people into human Pez dispensers like her pop can:

I actually find myself hoping the entire story mode is just the original Kombatants embarrassing their adult progeny. Jax and Johnny Cage should have a dad-joke competition in a tag-team match against Goro, and Sonya can insist Cassie really should be deciding whether she wants children while breaking Kano’s face. It’d be Modern Family, but with more disemboweling… and really, wouldn’t excessive gore improve most sitcoms?