Megan Mullally Isn’t Thrilled About Trump Dredging Up Their 2005 ‘Green Acres’ Emmy Performance

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The year was 2005. Will & Grace was still NBC’s highest-rated sitcom, and The Apprentice and American Idol were both Emmy award-nominated reality television shows. So for the 57th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards telecast, producers arranged an “Emmy Idol” competition in which popular TV stars would “compete” throughout the ceremony.

And not inappropriately, Donald Trump and Megan Mullally, in character as “Karen” from Will & Grace, were paired up to sing the theme song from Green Acres — the 1965-1971 CBS series about a wealthy couple (Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor) who move from New York City to a country farm.

In hindsight, it’s a bit Mullally would surely rather forget about, however on Thursday afternoon, the president of the United States inexplicably tweeted out the following to announce the signing of the farm bill.

You really have to feel for Mullally here, who could not possibly have foreseen Trump’s meteoric rise from reality TV star to a arguable authoritarian, but here we are.

Later that afternoon, she tweeted her thoughts on Trump dredging up the unfortunate memory. “Omg,” Mullally wrote. “If you guys need me, i’ll be in a hole in the ground.”

Oddly enough, this isn’t the first time Mullally has spoken out about the bit. In December of 2016, just a month after Trump was elected, Stephen Colbert brought it up on The Late Show. “See this photo? Otherwise known as my suicide note,” she quipped at the time. “Do you have a barf bag back there?”

Apparently viewers were calling in live during the ceremony to declare an “Emmy Idol” winner, and she recalls that Trump really, really wanted it win it. And win it, they did. Mullally went on to describe the post-Emmy’s phone call she had with Trump after their victory.

“So the next day, I was in my Will & Grace dressing room and the phone rang, and it was Donald Trump. And he said, ‘You know, we really needed to win that thing and we did. And, you were a big part of that so I just wanted to say, we really needed to win it. And not only did we win it, but I hear we killed it. It was a landslide.’

But check this out, if he felt that way about Emmy Idol, how do you think he felt about the presidential election?”

And yet clearly, the president still seems to be dearly holding on to that win.