Mike Lindell Is So Desperate To Share His Bonkers Conspiracy Theories That He Floated The Idea Of Hacking Into Fox News

Mike Lindell will not be stopped. Though even Donald Trump seems to have lost interest in the MyPillow founder’s obsessive determination in proving that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, Lindell keeps going and going and going (and going…)

While he was originally aided in his inanity for a while by Fox News, even they bailed on the pillow magnate/conspiracy theorist after both of them got smacked with billion-dollar defamation suits from Dominion Voting Systems for their continued, and unfounded, insistence that there was widespread voter fraud. Eventually, Fox News gave Lindell the whole “it’s not you, it’s me” blowoff then refused to let him appear on the network, which he’s had trouble accepting. Back in November, he attempted to stage a protest outside the company’s New York City headquarters, and no one (not even Lindell himself) showed up. Now, as Raw Story reports, he has publicly floated the idea of hacking into Fox News’ broadcasting system and taking over its airwaves.

It sounds like a plotline from a bad sitcom because it probably was one at some time. Lindell, speaking via his own Lindell TV, hatched a plan to get his latest big idea out to Fox News listeners:

“Maybe we should get our cyber guys… to hook up our stream to Fox’s. Can you imagine? ‘This is Sean Hannity…’ All of a sudden, breaking news right out of Georgia! The evidence is pouring in, pouring in! Arizona, pouring in, pouring in, Wisconsin! And Fox, you’d have the Murdochs going, ‘Oh no, what are we going to do?! The truth is out, we’re the liars!’”

Is there truly no one who loves and/or wants to help this man?

(Via Raw Story)