Officer Attends Graduation For Girl That He Saved From a Fire 18 Years Ago

Police officers have an incredibly tough job that is at times a bit thankless, especially in recent years where headlines have been consistently about cops who haven’t exactly been protecting and serving their communities as much as bullying and beating them. It’s pretty easy to get caught up in these displays of violence and get really down on the whole concept of the police and what they actually do for communities, but really, there are some good cops out there. In fact, there are someĀ great cops out there who don’t snag national headlines for their good deeds.

Mashable tells the tale of one of these good cops in Connecticut. Josi Aponte was just five years old when officer Peter Getz pulled her from a fire and saved her life. That was 18 years ago and, through it all, that story stuck with Getz. In fact, the photo of him carrying her from the burning building that was published in newspapers adorned his desk during that time to remind him to check in on Aponte throughout her schooling.

This past Tuesday Aponte graduated from Eastern Connecticut State University with a bachelor’s degree in accounting and Getz was there to greet her after she walked across the stage. If that isn’t a great story, then what really is?

(Via Mashable)