A 52-year-old Ohio man just had one of the more eventful arrests you’ll ever read about.
Timothy Blevins, who was wanted after skipping a court date for felonious assault and domestic violence, was arrested at 4 AM on Monday, but not before putting up one hell of a fight (and racking up an impressive list of new charges). Here’s a fun paragraph, via Cleveland.com:
Witnesses said Blevins, 52, hurled a knife at one person, chased another with a nail-spiked plank and punched a pit bull in the face before an expletive-laden confrontation with police, officials said.
And that was just the beginning. When police arrived, Blevins — who witnesses said spent the day huffing paint thinner to get high — used a flashlight to shatter a window, from which he shouted “I’m gonna shout you guys!” while wielding a large kitchen knife.
Police eventually called SWAT, and Blevin continued to scream and wield his knife as they surrounded the building. Four hours later he was taken into custody “without custody” (what?), and he tried to kicked out the windows of the cruiser as it took him to jail.
Charges are pending, but police say Blevin was arrested for “felonious assault, aggravated menacing, cruelty to animals and criminal damaging.”