Pop Culture Pumpkins For The Coolest Porches Around


Last year we brought you a gallery of pop culture jack-o’-lanterns. We continue that tradition today with 35 more pop culture themed pumpkins which would look snazzy on your porch this year. Whether it’s a pumpkin professing your love for pudding pops and Huxtables or a playable Tetris game built right into a pumpkin, we’ve got you covered with these carved tributes to beloved movies, games, TV shows, and celebrities.

This is streets ahead. [via]

The Jesus Fresco meme, in pumpkin form. [via]

Nathan built a small game of Tetris into a pumpkin with 58 LEDs and a joystick in the stem. [via]

Indiana Jones at the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular in Providence, Rhode Island [via]

Grumpy cat returns in pumpkin form, still grumpy. [via]

10 Walking Dead [via]

Two of these pumpkins are the danger. The other should be green, despite the difficulty. [via]

Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows [VillaFane Studios via My Modern Met]

Alien at the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular in Providence, Rhode Island [via]

Terminator at the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular [via]


[VillaFane Studios via Kotaku]


[VillaFane Studios via Flavorwire]

Hunger Games pumpkin made by Crystal Watanabe [via]

Haunted Mansion carved by Dan Szczepanski [via]

This pumpkin just got Loki’d. [via]



Gremlins carved by Scott Cummins [via]

Gremlins carved by Scott Cummins [via]

[VillaFane Studios via Obvious Winner]

[VillaFane Studios via Geekologie]

Wolverine at the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular in Providence, Rhode Island [via]






Casablanca at the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular in Providence, Rhode Island [via]



