Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds are currently promoting the sci-fi action thriller Life, which follows a team of scientists aboard the International Space Station who end up discovering a “rapidly evolving life form” that was the cause of extinction on Mars, and now threatens all life on the planet Earth. The movie hits theaters on Friday, so over the weekend Gyllenhaal and Reynolds sat down with an entertainment reporter from Fox 5 News in Washington DC to discuss the film, and… It did not go so great!
To be fair, the two were probably half delirious since this was probably like, the one hundredth stop on their press junket, so things quickly went off the rails when the reporter innocently enough handed the two men Deadpool tchotchkes (pens??), which would admittedly probably not go over so great with Sony, the studio that is distributing Life. “Thank you so much,” Gyllenhaal said, while tossing the item over his shoulder, and from there things pretty much downhill as it was then pointed out that whoever set up the interview “helpfully” put Post-It notes on Reynolds and Gyllenhaal’s chairs so they would know where to sit.
Eventually it devolves into NSFW territory, as Reynolds says of their behavior, “Hey, f*ckers, let’s get it together, or let’s get out of f*ck town,” as Gyllenhaal appears to be crying actual tears of laughter.
Another interview with WSVN-TV 7 News in Miami didn’t fare much better, as the conversation quickly morphs into a discussion about Fraggle Rock of all things — although it’s unclear whether or not this one took place before or after the first one. They may not have done the best job promoting the film in the eyes of Sony, but hey, these are still a hell of a lot of entertaining than 99 percent of these junket interviews.
Let’s just hope the boys were eventually able to get some sleep.