Stan Lee Gets A Pacemaker, Becomes Just A Little Bit More Like Iron Man

Stan Lee is turning 90 (!) this December, yet he remains prolific and awesome. He’s like everyone’s favorite grandpa, except he never tells us his nurse is trying to steal his fortune of Reader’s Digest back issues and Sansabelt slacks.

When Stan Lee cancelled some recent appearances, we were worried. Thankfully, he issued a statement through his Pow! Entertainment to let us know he’s recuperating from a successful pacemaker installation. He’s now just a little bit more like one of the characters he created, Iron Man. Here’s the update from Stan the Man, via The Mary Sue:

Attention, Troops!
This is a dispatch sent from your beloved Generalissimo, directly from the center of Hollywood’s combat zone!
Now hear this! Your leader hath not deserted thee! In an effort to be more like my fellow Avenger, Tony Stark, I have had an electronic pace-maker placed near my heart to insure that I’ll be able to lead thee for another 90 years.
But fear thee not, my valiant warriors. I am in constant touch with our commanders in the field and victory shall soon be ours. Now I must end this dispatch and join my troops, for an army without a leader is like a day without a cameo!

He needs to stick around for another 89 years. We still have lots of questions about The Thing’s junk we need to ask.

[Banner picture by 02browns via The Mary Sue.]