In the event you, or someone you know, has been in prison for the past few years and is wondering, “What’s this Internet thing I’ve been hearing about?”, here is a summary of basically every video that’s gone viral on the Internet pretty much since YouTube went live six years ago all packaged neatly in a hella-funny 5 minute YouTube video. How meta is that?
It was created by Bill Doty, a great man and a true patriot, who explains his motivation…
Last week I was driving back from Idaho when Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody came on the radio. The first line “Is this just the real life” kicked in the memory of David Goes to the Dentist. As I listened on I realized most of the lyrics could be attached to a viral youtube clip. I edited it in my head… go home and edited it in real life. So… this IS real life.
Seriously, watch this. I just did and at a couple of points I was doubled over with tears running down my face, filled with feel-good nostalgia the whole time. It’s so good. Enjoy.