Tweeting Bag of Pee? Tweeting Bag of Pee.

That was the most tasteful image I could find to accompany this article. Seriously, medical device providers are disgusting people.

Before you ask, yes, this exists. The creatively named iBag has a small computer attached to it that measures frequency, volume and (ugh) temperature. Why in God’s name do bags of urine need a computer? To alert the caregiver about volume, thus preventing the bag from getting too full and causing “spilling incidents” or…how to put this…backwash.

So, hooking up a computer to this thing does at least have real medical relevance, and will provide benefit to the patient. As to why the thing has a wireless connection and the ability to tweet…medical device providers are disgusting people.

[ via the iron-stomached heroes at MedGadget ]