Ubisoft Shuffle: ‘Assassin’s Creed IV’ Is Coming Out Earlier, ‘Watch Dogs’ Is Delayed Until 2014

Okay, first the bad news — Ubisoft’s ambitious hacking adventure Watch Dogs has been delayed until spring 2014. Not exactly shocking news, as the game has come off a bit rough in recent previews and trailers, especially compared to Ubisoft’s other big holiday title, Assassin’s Creed IV.

Speaking of which, Assassin’s Creed IV will now be coming out a few days earlier on October 29th. Hit the jump for a new trailer…

No Watch Dogs this holiday is unfortunate, but Assassin’s Creed IV is looking surprisingly good, so it doesn’t hurt that bad. Watch Dogs’ concept is too promising to be sacrificed to shoddy, rushed execution.

via GameSpot & Eurogamer