Wait, Val Kilmer Is On Tumblr?!?!

Apparently he is, seemingly beknownst to no one, with a grand total of 8 posts under his belt since July of last year. The most recent one, taken with the members of that awful “band” Tenacious D (Jack Black and some guy named Kyle), is screencaptured above. Val’s first post was a picture of him wearing a cowboy hat standing near an American flag at some unnamed ceremony. In other posts, Val muses about hanging out with Francis Ford Coppola, going to see Lauren Hill and Rage Against The Machine in concert, and what he’d talk about if he were a motivational speaker. Who knew?

His Tumblr has a bio page whose first sentence reads: “Actor, poet, artist, singer, community activist, father Val Kilmer is one of the most prolific actors of his generation.” It also notes that he was “the youngest student ever admitted to the drama department at Juilliard.” THE MAN IS/WAS A MULTI-TALENTED PRODIGY!!!

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Val Kilmer is a singer?” Oh yeah, buddy, and he has a page where you can listen to his music as well. Sadly, there is no merchandise available for sale in the Val Kilmer shop as of now. I was really hoping to find a Val Kilmer t-shirt to wear out this coming weekend. Me in a Val Kilmer t-shirt would be an instant panty-dropper, that’s what that would be.

Now, enjoy Val Kilmer singing, won’t you…

(HT: Tall Whitney)