This time last year — when his war with Disney was still relatively green — it appeared that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was the Republican who would unseat Donald Trump. He was a younger Mini-Me version of him anyway, and better at self-control. But his battle with his state’s biggest company has persisted, and it’s escalated, and it’s taken unexpected turns. Now the people who really control politics — that is, the people with all the money — aren’t so sure he’s their guy anymore.
As per Politico, the financial titans of Wall Street are reportedly souring on DeSantis after a number of gaffes, embarrassments, and legal woes. The most recent is him being sued by The Walt Disney Company over his retaliation against them after they pushed back against his so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Now Wall Street donors are, Politico reports, “keeping the door open to his competitors.”
Says Politico:
Where Wall Street puts its money matters because financial industry executives are among the biggest donors in presidential elections. And while bankers and asset managers generally favor lower taxes and lighter-touch regulation, they also value stability and experience — and they spread their money around to candidates of both parties, meaning they’re very much in play in each cycle.
An advisor to one top GOP donor, referring to DeSantis’ problems, says they favor a “wait and see” approach, adding, “and this is why.”
But Wall Street still hates the 45th president and doesn’t want him back in office. They’re just no longer confident Meatball Ron is the one to unseat him
“DeSantis is certainly a better option than Trump at this point,” one executive said. “But he’s a really weak option.”
DeSantis has been dropping in the polls all while Trump — who very well may have to run for re-election from prison — has been inexplicably surging. But he’s still clobbering the rest of the competition. Will Wall Street throw its weight behind Nikki Haley or Senator Tim Scott? Or will they hold their nose once more and resign themselves to another Trump vs. Biden showdown? Or will they change their mind and go with the guy who eats pudding with his fingers after all?
(Via Politico)