Here is the YouTube description for this video:
On Thursday, October 8 at around noon, while at a retreat at Cape Lookout National Seashore off the coast of North Carolina, the leaders of One Harbor Church witnessed a shark feeding frenzy. The men were out fishing for the evening’s dinner when they stumbled across more than 100 sharks attacking a school of blue fish. As seagulls and pelicans joined in on the meal, the men began to cast into the surf, catching fish without the use of bait. For more than five minutes, the sharks were observed swimming in and out of the surf, some of which became beached in the fury. Donnie Griggs, the cameraman who captured the footage, is an avid waterman who spearfishes, dives, swims and surfs at Cape Lookout often. We want it to be clear that Cape Lookout and the surrounding beaches of Eastern North Carolina are extremely safe for swimming. The presence of these sharks and large schools of fish is actually a sign of a very healthy ecosystem.
Okay, two things:
- This is really an incredible paragraph. Kudos to whoever wrote it, because they manged to get from “five-minute 100 shark feeding frenzy in the surf” to “Cape Lookout and the surrounding beaches of Eastern North Carolina are extremely safe for swimming” in about two-and-a-half sentences. “EXTREMELY SAFE.” How can anything even be “extremely safe”? I get “extremely dangerous,” but saying something is extremely safe is kind of like saying a person who lost their legs in a shark attack has “extremely zero” legs. Which is what could possibly happen if you go to a beach that is chockablock with bloodthirsty predators chumming up the water en masse. Something to consider.
- 100 sharks is too many sharks. Way too many.
Team dry land forever.
Source: Daily Dot