Watch A Bunch Of Taste Testers Determine Which Fast Food Coffee Is The Best

Our last go around with this set of taste testers helped determine which fast food hamburger was the best. Now we’re back again to tackle something most of us drink every day: coffee.

Which fast food coffee is the best? Is Starbucks really considered fast food? How are we sure this isn’t just an extension of the sewage water taste test from earlier in the month?

These are the questions that tortured me while I watched this video. Well not really, but something did torture me. Possibly all the people who were disgusted by the idea that coffee was watered down (and the one guy who has never tasted whiskey before). I won’t get into particulars, but it did leave me scratching my head to a point where blood trickled out. Somewhere, some Canadian guy is yelling about Tim Hortons.

(Via Buzzfeed)