On Thursday evening, a 28 year old woman in San Francisco took matters into her own hands and jumped out of a Lyft car that she was riding in when the driver went in the opposite direction of her neighborhood. Fearing that she was being kidnapped, the woman jumped out of the car and broke her ankle. To add a new wrinkle to the story, it turns out that the entire incident was nothing more than a giant misunderstanding.
The woman was picked up in the Diamond Heights neighborhood on Thursday, and the driver headed in the opposite direction of where she lived. The woman reportedly told the driver to stop, but he kept on driving. This prompted the woman to jump out of the car at a stop light, and she proceeded to run, breaking her ankle during the whole ordeal.
As it turns out, the driver had difficulty hearing, which is what led to him being unable to hear the woman’s request to go in the opposite direction. Officer Albie Esparza says about the incident, “There was no criminal maliciousness. There was no criminal intent.” The driver reportedly was heading to the woman’s home but in a different direction that the woman did not anticipate. Talk about a painful mistake, but at least the woman is safe and sound now.
(Via SFGate)