Remember when that British father accidentally picked up a poisonous spider that was getting in the way of his cleaning? Now there’s a poisonous-spider-in-unlikely-places story out of Troy, Michigan, where a woman saw a black widow spider crawl out of a container of grapes that she was washing.
Ariel Jackson told local news station WXYZ that she called 911 after finding the spider. “When I called ’em, I was like, ‘Um, this isn’t really an emergency, but I have a black widow spider. And he’s like, ‘Just kill it.’ I’m like, ‘Me? You want me to kill it?’ ” So her boyfriend and brother later killed the spider.
In the video provided by WXYZ, Jackson still seemed shaken up, brushing a cobweb off her chair before sitting down in it for an interview. She’s also glad that she found the spider instead of her young nephew. “My nephew’s one. Like if he would’ve got bit, it would’ve got loose in the house, like overnight? Imagine, like, something could’ve happened. It’s just — it’s scary.”
WXYZ also reports that while U.S. Customs checks produce, sometimes creatures like this black widow spider can “slip through the cracks.” I’ll say! Glad to know that no one was hurt.
(Via MyFox8)