In July, a New Zealand woman named Simone Anderson hit back at Instagram trolls who accused her of faking a 190-pound weight loss. She posted the photo evidence of her loose skin, which did the trick in silencing her critics. In the aftermath, Simone still received some skepticism, but she continued to post photos of her newfound healthy lifestyle. Simone’s ultimate dream, however, was to have surgery to remove the flaps of excess skin — which were an unavoidable result of her drastic weight loss — from her torso, arms and legs.
After her Instagram community donated many thousands of dollars, Simone saw her dream become a reality. She flew to the United States where she underwent surgery on Tuesday.
Simone has posted several “after” photos that show her post-surgery dressings and even a table full of her excess skin. If you would like to see the images, they are available on her Instagram page. Simone also posted a very graphic video of her surgery, which you can see below.
Snapchat featured Simone in a before-and-after shot on their service.
Simone will stay in the United States for about ten days to recuperate before heading home. Surely, this kind of party will happen when she arrives back in New Zealand.