I’m not nearly as pet humor obsessed as the rest of the world wide web, but yesterday Aziz Ansari congratulated the internet on “Dogs That Look Like Tom Haverford” so I was obliged to check it out. It only took a few seconds for me to be reminded that cats and dogs provide the path of least resistance to the lulz and that’s why entire empires can be built around pets, crap grammar, and cheesburgers.
“Dogs That Look Like Tom Haverford” is no “Tom Haverfoods,” because A) there aren’t enough dogs that look Tom Haverford and B) “Haverfoods” is god-tier brilliant, but the following images do fall in the 1% overlap on the venn diagram of what I find funny on the internet and what my mom finds funny on the internet, so there you go.
And never forget…
Sources: Dogs That Look Like Tom Haverford and Tom Haverfoods