Okay, call me a cynic, but I just don’t think there’s any way this is real. The setup itself — two men fighting over a painting in the middle of St. Marks Place — is so stereotypically preposterous to begin with, but then when you throw in “that guy from the movie…The Notebook” seemingly showing up out of nowhere to peacefully break up the fight, taking into consideration the slew of movies he’s in right now, well, my dark heart is skeptical.
Reports the NY Daily News:
As a number of other people try to tear two quarrelling men apart, Gosling suddenly appears and walks toward the altercation on 8th Street in the East Village. He drops his belongings on the street and manages to separate the two men while trying to peacefully play referee.
He then escorts the pair away from the oncoming traffic as a gaggle of female admirers gather alongside the sidewalk after recognizing him as “the guy from ‘The Notebook.’ ”
As Gosling makes his way closer to the camera, he is easily identified in his baseball hat, shorts and striped tank top, which shows off his tattoo of “The Giving Tree” book cover on his upper left arm.
If this is real, the F*ck Yeah Ryan Gosling Tumblr is going to absolutely cream it’s jeans over it and Gwyneth Paltrow’s going to have to almost run over another peasant pedestrian to top this. I mean, in the age of viral marketing stunts and big Hollywood publicity machines we live in, it can’t be real, right? Besides, would Ryan Gosling wear capri pants?