Sterling Archer Draper Pryce: ‘Archer’ Meets ‘Mad Men’ For Quite Possibly The Most Appropriate TV Mashup Yet

It’s no secret we’re big fans of TV mashup Tumblrs, so highlighting the new and arguably most fitting one I’ve ever come across feels like an appropriate way to bring a close to UPROXX Archer Week. Almost as appropriate as the mashup itself. Not only do the two subjects — Archer and Mad Men — match up to perfection, but even the title wordplay is like a gift from above.

Sterling Archer Draper Pryce is in its infancy — and could use a lesson in high res stills — but the possibilities are seemingly endless. So let’s get cracking anonymous internet person behind it! They aren’t going to make themselves! I’m pretty sure last night’s Burt-tastic Season 3 premiere alone warrants at least two pages worth. For my part I’ve made a timely contribution (next slide) from last night. I dare you to not approve.

Attention Adam Reed: Archer time machine episode that puts Sterling Archer in a room with Roger Sterling. Make it happen.

Sterling Archer Draper Pryce

It had to be done. Also, here’s the gif from the marvelous F*ck Yeah Archer GIFs.

Thanks to brianjodoin for the inspiration.