The Best Of #Sterling Archer

WELCOME TO WHORE ISLAND ARCHER WEEK AT UPROXX! Call Kenny Loggins because we’re dedicating the entire week to all things ISIS and the best animated show on television. Over the next couple of days we’ll be going live with one Archer-ific feature after another, leading up to Thursday night’s premiere (Burt Reynolds people!) that I’ll be live blogging as part of a new regular FX comedy weekly conversation. It will be kind of like the GG’s open thread but with more ocelot references. Get excited.

It only feels right to get the ball rolling with the best of Code Name “Duchess” and go from there. Even if you’ve never seen an episode (seriously, get it together) I see no way Sterling Archer doesn’t become your spirit guide after this compilation of tactinecks, pirate deaths, hooker phrasing, and more.

Check back in this week for exclusives, giveaways, excessive quoting, and who knows what else. I don’t want to make any promises, but it will probably be life-altering.

ARCHER WEEK UPDATE: Aisha Tyler Interview

Sources: #Sterling+Archer & F*ck Yeah Archer GIFs