Redditor’s Dad Enjoys Photoshopping Himself Into Movies And Movie Posters

Let’s face it, every dad needs a hobby, because being a dad, well, it can kind of suck. In addition to being nagged by a wife who wants to go to someplace nicer than Chili’s on Valentine’s Day (“BUT I LIKE CHILI’S, DORIS…THEY HAVE THAT DELICIOUS CHILI QUESO DIP!!!”), dads have to worry about things like their daughter getting gang-banged after school by the offensive line of the local high school football team, or their jackass son getting arrested smoking reefer in his car on the weekend. The list of potential dad-related anxieties just goes on and on.
So a good hobby is a form of escapism, a fantastical place a dad can go to be himself and maybe even live out a fantasy or two. With that said, Redditor “freakazoidjake” noted yesterday that his “dad likes to Photoshop himself into movies and movie posters. This is the result.” He posted some of his dads work to Imgur and I have to say, I’m pretty impressed. I can only presume that “freakazoidjake” must be one hell of a monster for his dad to have spent so much time playing with his Photoshop hobby. But his internal torment is our gain. Gallery of shops after the jump.