Game's The Same, Just Got More Fierce: The Much-Needed 'Game Of Thrones' And 'The Wire' Mashup

How has this taken so long to exist? We’ve seen TV show Tumblr mashups of Breaking Bad with Parks and Recreation (Parks and Meth), Arrested Development with Game of Thrones (Arrested Westeros), The Simpsons with Breaking Bad (Breaking Ned), Game of Thrones with Friends (Game of Friends), and seemingly dozens of others — but never one for The Wire with Game of Thrones, which seems ludicrous in hindsight. They’re even both on HBO! “A Song of Ice and The Wire” is here to right society’s wrong.

This helps ease the pain until Game of Thrones returns next March. Well, this, and a whole barrel of wine.

(All images via A Song of Ice and The Wire)