Here’s The ‘Louie’/’Lincoln’ Side-By-Side GIF Intro Comparison You’ve Been Looking For

Josh already excellently evaluated the mostly funny, always important Louis C.K.-hosted Saturday Night Live from this past weekend, and I normally wouldn’t piggyback the action, but the internet’s new favorite 21st century sketch, Lincoln, was the first time the words “f*cking brilliant” have passed through my mind while watching SNL in as long as I can remember. And then I stumbled across this side-by-side GIF comparison of the Louie opening and the Lincoln spoof opening this morning and I couldn’t not share.

Full GIF panel by PantyFire (coincidentally my nickname in college) below. Man, I bet Daniel Day-Lewis and his method methodness never saw this competition coming. No way he mows a slice in character that convincingly. Also: Parody Twitter, because of course.

Suck it, DDL…

Source: PantyFire