Earlier this month we announced we were finally taking our bromance-with-benefits with 5-Second Films to the next level, launching UPROXX Video. *pulls hypnotoad out of paper bag* SUBCRIBE.
Now we’re rolling out our first videos for your edification and merrymakingment. So far we’ve introduced you to life-changing pasta salad and a real-life zombie’s opinion on The Walking Dead. Below you’ll find our next UPROXX Video, and it’s a return to our Best Of 5SF roots.
This compilation features 25 brilliant five-second reminders of why LOVE SUCKS. Happy Valentine’s Day and remember, no means meow.*
* The counsel advised in paragraph 3, subsection 2 does not constitute legal advice in any US jurisdiction. UPROXX Video is not responsible for any legal or civil actions resulting from regarding “No” as “Meow”. Do not taunt happy fun ball.