Anti-Semitic Elmo Is Back With Some Wild New Claims About The Girl Scouts

Things have been bad enough for the real Elmo character lately, so it certainly doesn’t help that some phony, anti-semitic Elmo is out there spouting hateful things at children in New York City. And now it seems that the man underneath the giant fuzzy head, known as Dan “Adam” Sandler, has taken his vile act on the road, because he was arrested in San Francisco for grabbing a child and shouting about sodomy, according to the New York Post.

It only gets crazier and worse from there, too.

And in these latest Girl Scouts extortion troubles, Sandler allegedly threatened to use his “Bad Elmo” spotlight to destroy the reputation of the entire organization, for which he’d done computer programming work on a temp basis at the West 23rd Street headquarters five years ago.

“I will show up at Girl Scout functions and other places that parents and kids congregate and hold signs, connecting the Girl Scouts… with the Cambodian Rape Camp man,” he wrote in one in a series of dozens of allegedly threatening emails.

The “Cambodian Rape Camp man” was a reference to himself — in 1999, Sandler was arrested in Cambodia for running a live porn website there called, “Welcome to the Rape Camp,” prosecutors say.

The prosecutors in his case made it clear that the Girl Scouts had no clue that Sandler ran such a horrible website 14 years ago, while Sandler is claiming that he’s being set up by the Singapore government and former financier-turned-philanthropist Michael Milken. All of this insanity, as it turns out, links back to his former supervisor with the Girl Scouts, whom Sandler had a bit of a crush on. In a series of emails to her, he even laid out his plan to slander the Girl Scouts.

“Do you think that I am a scary guy? I am just a little different,” Sandler allegedly wrote the supervisor, a full four years after his temp job ended.

“If I can not make this Elmo gig work out of New York I will just stay in New York,” he wrote the woman. “Please let me resurface in your life right now!” he wrote.

“P.S. how you treat me as a person will go a long way in regards to how I treat the Girl Scouts in the press, on the Internet and on u-tube[sic]. (in other words if the Girl scouts treat me nice I will forget the fact that I worked there,)” he adds.

“If I go the controversial route I will probably publish fictitious content about the Girl Scouts. And name names….Like your name! Because you were my caring supervisor who now gives me the silence [sic] treatment,” prosecutors say he wrote in October.

“I want a telecommute job from home for life at 150K,” he demands in an email. “Or a 2 million dollar Cash settlement.”

And when all else failed, he went back to his original material.

“Can I please send you a plane ticket? …Why freeze your but [sic] off for those Jews in NY? Put a Hello Kitty suit on and join my team,” he begged. “Believe me you will be much happier!”

Happier, maybe, but what about medical and dental benefits?

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