Portland Is The Kinkiest City In The United States

Kink University, a new online community with resources and workshops on “erotic exploration,” is celebrating its launch with the 10 Kinkiest Cities in the United States. Surprisingly, the top spot did not go to New York, Las Vegas, or even San Francisco but rather the city of Portland.

Yes, the land of craft beer, beard contests, hipsters, and protests about everything under the sun can also claim that it is the kinkiest city in America. Kink University based the decision on enrollment in kinky social networking websites and kink trends that originated in Portland.

With nearly 4% of it’s population logged on to kinky social networking site Fetlife, Portland has the highest percentage of kinksters per capita in the US — and is nearly as rich in resources for the BDSM, fetish and poly communities as much larger cities like San Francisco, New York and Chicago. It’s also become a leader in pushing the scene forward — it’s the home of influential kink blog, Leatherati, and it was local Portland artists who (for better or worse) launched the HealthGoth trend. The numbers speak for themselves. In a recent survey by the Portland Mercury, nearly 42% of Portland identified as something other than monogamous and 33% as something other than heterosexual. Just about the only metric that Portland scored low on was kinky porn consumption. But then again, it might be because they’re getting so much IRL.

With all the kink trends out of Portland, it is shocking that Kink University forgot Portland’s most subversive kink of all, their obsession with putting birds on everything. And those fancy mustaches have to be more than just a cosmetic choice.


Source: Kink University