Hollywood Reaches Out To Leslie Jones On Twitter After Her Horrendous Hacking

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Leslie Jones has had one hell of a summer. While highlights have been getting critical acclaim for her performance in Ghostbusters and her trip to Rio to help NBC cover the Olympics, the lows have unfortunately also been quite low. She was previously driven off of Twitter by racist and misogynistic trolls led by Milo Yiannopoulos, and this week, her website was hacked, leaking personal information and nude photos.

This absolutely heinous attack is being investigated by Homeland Security, so hopefully whoever perpetrated this hate crime (and, yes, it is a hate crime) will swiftly be brought to justice. In the meantime, many celebrities are pouring out their support for Jones on Twitter, hopefully easing a little of the pain that Jones is surely feeling in the wake of this violation.

First off, Hillary Clinton took a moment from her campaign to offer her support to the SNL star.

Many of Jones’ coworkers from Ghostbusters and SNL also chimed in to denounce the doxxing.


The support didn’t stop there, with many celebrities offering messages of love and frustration in the face of such a toxic situation.



It’s good to know that even when the trolls seem to be overwhelming that Jones has many who are in her corner. Since the matter is being dealt with in a very serious way, hopefully the grief that Jones gets online will lessen. That may be wishful thinking, but we have to believe that humanity can get a little better, right?

(Via NBC News, H/T Deadline)