A College Student Is Regretting Not Replying To An Olympic Gold Medalist On Tinder

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Imagine you spend a bunch of your down time swiping left or right on Tinder hoping to find Mr. Right (or Mr. Is Free On A Friday And Lives On Campus At Your College) and you find a few nice looking people. Then, you forget to reply to a few and end up un-matching them a little while later. Oh well, it happens. There will always be more swipes.

But then, you’re innocently watching the Olympics and Michael Phelps ties with two other people for a silver medal in one of his last career races. Which is crazy! Even crazier? The person that beat Phelps for gold looks familiar…and it’s not from recent Olympic coverage, it’s from Tinder.

This is just what happened to Sabryna Salazar, who had matched new Olympic gold medalist Joseph Schooling (who goes to Texas University with her) and had a brief conversation with him before letting the conversation drop. Besides not replying to him after he messaged her back, Sabryna actually recently un-matched from Joseph so she can’t go back to the conversation once they are both back on campus. Live and learn, Sabryna. Next time you match with someone who could be an Olympian – reply!

(via Buzzfeed)