Tomi Lahren Made The Huge Mistake Of Bashing Beyoncé And Colin Kaepernick

Never one to let the snow flake on her easily-triggered parade, Tomi Lahren bashed Beyoncé for presenting Colin Kaepernick with Sports Illustrated’s Muhammad Ali Legacy Award on Tuesday. The Lemonade singer praised the former-49ers quarterback for embodying “the ideals of sportsmanship, leadership, and philanthropy, and [using] sports as a platform for changing the world.” Kaepernick kneeled during the National Anthem before games to protest racial injustice. “Thank you, Colin Kaepernick,” Beyoncé said. “Thank you for your selfless heart and your conviction. Thank you for your sacrifice.”

Lahren had a slightly different, much hotter take.

“Police-hating Beyoncé presents police and America-hating Kappy with a ‘legacy’ award,” she tweeted. “This is how far we’ve fallen. Wow.” This isn’t the first time Lahren has come after Bey. She previously mocked her for believing climate change is, y’know, a thing (“How did they get to the event last night?” she mocked Hurricane Harvey benefit attendees. “Did they walk? Did they take public transit? Did they even fly commercial?”). The Fox News contributor also had Final Thoughts on the Formation World Tour. She hasn’t been much kinder to Kaepernick, asking him a question that’s been answered multiple times.

But when you come at the Queen (or the Kaep), you best not miss.

(Via Twitter)