Donald Trump Tweets About Americans Waiting For ‘EASY D’ And Nothing Will Ever Be The Same

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If using both his personal and official @POTUS Twitter accounts to go after Nordstrom weren’t enough, an apparently uninhibited Donald Trump decided to tweet about “EASY D” on Wednesday. The president was likely referring to an appeals court’s decision not to reinstate the White House’s travel ban, which the Justice Department subsequently asked be put back into place for national security purposes. So while the courts determine whether or not Trump’s executive order temporarily banning immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries is legal, he took to Twitter to complain.

“Big increase in traffic into our country from certain areas,” he tweeted, “while our people are far more vulnerable, as we wait for what should be EASY D!

Needless to say journalists, comedians, trolls and practically everyone else with a Twitter account lost their minds. The “D” probably refers to “defense,” as many commenters have pointed out, but that’s not reason enough to stop the tide. After all, since the tweet came from an Android device, it most certainly originated from Trump’s very own hands (and with little to no intervention by his staff). So no one was probably around, or able to stay the president’s hand in time, before he sent the tweet in question while still thinking it was a good idea.