Last July, New Zealander Simone Anderson showed off her incredible 190-pound weight loss on Instagram. Naturally, the internet couldn’t accept a good thing and accused her of faking the photos, so she swiftly hit back at trolls by posting pictures of her sagging skin. She followed up this effective shutdown with a September skin-removal surgery, which was partially funded through social media donations. Anderson also documented the process with graphic imagery that she used as proof of her hard work. Although Anderson jump started her weight loss process with a gastric sleeve, she largely achieved results because of lifestyle changes and good, old-fashioned sweat. Her remarkable transformation set her upon a new life journey, and folks were thrilled to witness her newfound health. Here’s how she looks today.
Anderson’s still quietly keeping her Instagram followers up to date on her life happenings. She’s working as a hair and makeup artist, although she surely could develop a second career as a motivational weight-loss guru. Almost two years after Anderson began her weight-loss initiative, she’s getting real with followers about how an outward transformation won’t necessarily bring happiness although rewards are still plentiful:
“You must be so much happier now you have lost weight,” “You are so social now you have lost weight,” “Do you hate that men only pay you attention now you are thin” – it’s crazy what people assume from photos when they know very little about me and what my life was like before. I am still the exact same outgoing, bubbly, fun loving and social girl the only difference is a 92kg weight loss and a now healthier me. I can honestly say I am no happier, I was probably more social before I lost weight as I had more time on my hands and I can say I have never had an issue attracting men.
These days, Simone is content to enjoy life while enjoying food but maintaining a healthy, fitness-oriented outlook. Her continued updates and realistic captions remind her followers that she’s still working hard to maintain the weight loss, and that happiness comes from within, not simply through a beautiful exterior. Still, these transformation photos are stunning.
(Via Daily Mail)