What If Groot Sang In A Metal Band?

It was only a matter of time before the important questions from Guardians of the Galaxy were answered. Who is Peter Quill’s real father, as if we all don’t know it’s Starfox? What will Drax stab when he’s angry? And, of course, what would it sound like if Groot fronted a Sepultura cover band? That last one has thankfully been answered, courtesy of an audio engineer found by Laughing Squid.

As you might guess, the video is full of lyrical complexity and subtle harmonies that need to be listened to carefully to get a true sense of the song. Or, hell, we could sum the video up in a GIF:

That said, we’d totally see Groots Bloody Groots at a bar. It’s got to be better than the Nickelback cover band that keeps haunting my neighborhood.