Watch Daniel Bryan And Brie Bella’s Baby Do The ‘Yes’ Chant

The wrestling word basically had a front row seat for the Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan pregnancy. Now that lil’ Birdie Danielson is here, the question that is (probably) (maybe) on everyone’s mind is “Is this infant going to be a fan of the most unlikely WWE Superstar of all time?”

After all, despite the rumors that Bryan continues to desperately fuel, it’s entirely possible that Birdie may never actually see her old man in action in a wrestling ring. So will his daughter still be a fan if all dad does is come to the ring in a flannel shirt and get picked on from time to time?

It seems like this one is a no-brainer, but now there is infallible proof in the form of a YouTube video posted on the Bella Twins channel. It’s all of the things baby videos are. In no particular order, it’s cute, precious, sweet, charming, adorable, delightful, darling. See for yourself:

Babies are super impressionable, yeah. And you can make a baby dance and you can move their mouths, sure. And most definitely Brie made her child do the “Yes” chant, but it doesn’t change the fact that the baby did in fact do the ‘Yes’ chant. Birdie is only going to get better at it, too. If Brie documents every time daughter watches daddy on the laptop I’m smashing the subscribe button.

Let’s hope that more wrestlers make more babies and more videos come out like this. I wanna see a newborn do Sasha Bank’s sidestep entrance. I wanna see a baby learn that if they can stand up and hold their arms out like a “Y” at the perfect time then all of the lights will turn on. And I can’t wait for The Miz’s kid to drink milk from an upside down baby bottle and be the most must-see 9-month-old at the nursery.