Steve Smith Held Nothing Back In Blasting Josh Brown And The NFL

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Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Steve Smith’s reaction to Thursday’s news about New York Giants kicker Josh Brown was exactly how you’d probably picture it. It was in the form of a tweet with a screenshot and the tweet required you to click a link that takes you to a new site, because Smith hates using Twitter like a normal person.

To save you a click, Smith thinks the NFL suspending Brown just one game shows the league doesn’t care. Smith would also beat Brown if Brown beat his daughter, because that’s a thing guys say in this situation to show they care.

That would usually be the end of the story but later in the day Smith oddly went into, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m trying to take this down” mode with a follow-up apology tweet that also requires you to enter a tweet-longer type of site.

If you don’t want to parse through all that, Smith is annoyed that some players get cut for lesser offenses or suspended for air pressure in a ball while the NFL knew about Brown’s violent past and did nearly nothing. Smith was mad online and included the phrase “real man” so you know he’s serious. But it’s not as though Smith doesn’t have a point nestled into all this rage and links to that lead to external sites off Twitter.

(Steve Smith on Twitter)
