MSNBC’s Ronan Farrow Had A Little NCAA And NAACP Snafu, Too

“Hey man, you wouldn’t make fun of an MSNBC reporter if he made the same mistake,” said the commenter to the handsome blogger after Fox News’s Heather Childers congratulated the UConn Huskies on winning the NAACP Championship. Fortunately, MSNBC’s Ronan Farrow decided to test that theory for us. Farrow, who received the Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism just two days after he made his TV debut back in February, isn’t exactly off to the hottest start in his new career. The Rhodes Scholar’s ratings are abysmal and the reviews aren’t so hot either, but then it’s hard to gauge a cable news show’s success based on reviews, because there’s always a chance that at least 50% of the critics are going to hate you.

Farrow also showed that reading from a prompter isn’t his strong suit either, after he mistakenly described former NAACP President Ben Jealous as the former NCAA President. When hearing the gaffe, Jealous responded, “Whoa whoa whoa, don’t you put that evil on me, pal.” Or maybe he didn’t. Let’s check the video.

“But why is this news when there are so many other terrible things happening in the world?” you might be asking your cat. Because it’s fun to laugh at people who are supposed to pretend to be smarter than us for a living.

(H/T to Awful Announcing)