Colbert Report: ‘Late Show’ Colbert May Be A Lot Like Comedy Central Colbert

President Obama Tapes An Interview For The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert
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Ever the gleeful, amusing troll, Stephen Colbert told reporters at the Television Critics’ Association gathering that his Late Show hosting style will be a lot like his Colbert Report one. Furthermore, the two personas are not actually different from his real life personality.

As quoted on Deadline, Colbert said: “I had the excuse that I didn’t mean it, but I’m here to tell you I meant a lot of it…I even agreed with my character sometimes. My hope is when people see me on the new show they will say ‘Oh, wow a lot of it was him the whole time!'”

Colbert is also openly excited about Donald Trump’s presidency for the fodder it will provide his show, which premieres on September 8: “Now I’m hoping certain people stay in the campaign until September 9th. I’m not going to name any names but I want to do jokes on Donald Trump and I have no venue. Right now I’m just dry-Trumping.”

When asked about the diversity of his writer’s staff, Colbert said he hired “lots of Leos, a couple of Tauruses,” and also detailed what went down during that Daily Show segment where Jon Stewart tried to run away from him while crying:

Asked about his appearance on Jon Stewart’s final night hosting Comedy Central’s The Daily Show last week, Colbert said he knew Stewart was “going to flop around like a fish on a stick” when he began to thank Stewart for all he’d done for him and the show’s other correspondents, many of whom have gone on to get shows of their own on other networks. “I felt like a rodeo clown trying to keep him on stage,” he said. What viewers could not hear when the other returning correspondents joined him on stage after that emotional exchange with Stewart, was them all chanting, “Made Him Cry! Made Him Cry!”

(via Deadline)