Netflix And Amazon Have Both Passed On Picking Up ‘Hannibal’ For A New Season

Bryan Fuller‘s mission to find Hannibal a new home continues. A few weeks after NBC announced their decision to cancel the seriesrumors and speculation pointed to Amazon as a possible new home for the show. The showrunner recently took to Twitter with an update on Dr. Lecter’s small-screen fate, and it looks like the streaming service — which owns the exclusive rights to air the past and current seasons — is not interested:

While he says they are exploring other opportunities, the contracts have since expired on the show’s talent, leading Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelson to take on other roles. Fuller has a full plate himself as he has already begun work on the American Gods series for Starz.

Everyone involved remains interested in pursuing a fourth season of the Thomas Harris-inspired series, but scheduling conflicts and the availability of all involved is what ultimately led Amazon to pass. If Hannibal does find a home somewhere, it would be well over a year before production on new episodes would commence.

(Via Deadline and BryanFuller)