A New Study Says Adventurous Eaters Are Having Better Lives Than You Squares


If you’re content sticking to basic foods rather than stepping out of your comfort zone, a new study might taste like bad news. According to some research done by the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, a group of 502 women were surveyed — a small group, to be sure — and those who considered themselves to be “adventurous eaters” or foodies also rated themselves to be in better physical shape and more health-conscious than their counterparts who ate more bland diets with less variety. Those women were also more likely to have friends over for dinner. And who wouldn’t want to go to a foodie’s house for dinner? Think of all the different cheeses! Cheeses you never knew existed!

However, it’s not as if people with bland diets are going to die sooner. By the way the study sounds, it’s more like people who experiment more and include a lot of variety don’t worry about missing out when it comes to food. Foodies tend to be more aware of the nutritious quality of their food and do the whole “treat your body like a temple” thing. And the social aspect could be related to that food variety being more palatable to a variety of people rather than perhaps worrying about a narrower diet pleasing a large crowd. While the foodie is serving all those cheeses, the “blandie” might put out a bag of chips and call it an evening.

But there’s hope! Those who don’t like to try new things don’t have to go and eat bugs now. But if they’re willing to open themselves up to a new seasoning or a new ethnic food, something just slightly out of the box, then they might feel better about their diets than before.

(Source: Paste)