UPDATE: No, This is Not Phyllis from ‘The Office’

Phyllis was an NFL cheerleader. It’s not news for anyone who read Deadspin in 2006, but this is the first time we’ve seen photo evidence. Things fall apart. [With Leather] UPDATE: Or not. Whatever the case, this picture is of an NFL cheerleader. Refute THAT, smartypants!

ICYMI: my essay on veterans suicide. I only write four or five things a year that are actually good. This is one of them. Please read and share, should you be so inclined. [Warming Glow]

Best celebrity Twitter reactions to New York’s gay marriage bill passing. What? Gay marriage passed in New York? I hadn’t heard. (That GIF is me reacting to the news.) [Uproxx]

Fat man dancing! Kevin James perfects what researchers will later call “the idiot loop.” [FilmDrunk]

Wanna look stupid? Try eight-bit fashion. Thanks, but I got my fill of pixelated clothing when the Marines updated their camouflage pattern. [Gamma Squad]

The Reality TV/Porn Connection. I’ll break it down simpler than this article: whores like attention. [Jezebel]

Hot new musical duo: Stephen Colbert and Jack White. White appeared on “The Colbert Report” last week, then the two performed a brief concert on The High Line in New York. [Animal NY]