“Congratulations On Your Big Hooters”

This clip doesn’t need much by way of introduction. In the process of throwing it back to the studio, the reporter tries to congratulate one of the anchors on his alma mater, the Indiana Hoosiers, defeating the top-ranked Kentucky Wildcats at basketball a few days ago. Unfortunately, while his brain was driving along towards this nice, personal touch, his penis grabbed the wheel and jerked him right off the road and over a cliff. Penises can be real dicks.

Just one note in closing: News people, please stop referencing Youtube after one of you makes a slip-up. I don’t want you acknowledging me and my viral video leering. You’re ruining the illusion! From now on, you stick to giggling and facepalming, got it? Like the lady in this clip, who just smiles and puts her face in her cans. HER HANDS! I MEAN “HER HANDS”! She just smiles and puts her face in her hands!


Buzzfeed via The Daily What