‘Game Of Thrones’ Season Six Started Filming With Some ‘Dead’ Characters On Hand

It seems like just yesterday when Game of Thrones season five came to an end, and the lives of several main characters with it. That’s just the way GRRM rolls… It ain’t a proper finale without the bodies stacked high. Fans of the show wailed, gnashed their teeth, and found solace discussing theories on how their favorite characters might not be dead.

With season six filming underway, we may have evidence as to who actually survived their near death experiences. If you don’t want to feast on some speculative spoilers, turn back now!

Okay? Okay.

First, to the Twitter account of Isaac H. Wright, better known to fans as Brandon Stark. He just posted a picture from Belfast featuring Dean-Charles Chapman and Nell Tiger Free, also known as King Tommen and Princess Myrcella. But didn’t Myrcella receive the kiss of death from Ellaria Sand? Of course, it’s entirely possible that Nell is on hand to play her corpse.


Then, there’s everyone’s favorite know-nothing Jon Snow, Kit Harington. He’s been spotted twice in and around Belfast, and he’s still got most of his hair. Read into that what you will, but again… maybe he’s just in Belfast to play dead and then split.

No social media sightings of our rightful king Stannis Baratheon, which is as much of a kick to the gut as Stephen Dillane getting passed over for Emmy consideration. Out of all the characters who “died” at the end of last season, his death seemed the least final. But we’re early on into filming, so who knows what the coming weeks hold.

One thing is for sure: People are keeping a close eye on the comings and goings of the cast. Photographers with telephoto lenses are putting in Brangelina levels of effort to snap shots of filming. So, if you want to avoid knowing half of what goes on during season six before it airs, you better get off Twitter and Instagram and stop clicking on articles like this…