You’re Welcome, Syfy Is Already Planning On ‘Sharknado 4’

Spoilers ahead, obviously, if you didn’t watch Wednesday night’s Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! If you did watch the third installment of the Sharknado franchise (GIF recap here), well, that was kind of a disappointment, wasn’t it? I guess the only way to top sharks attacking airplanes is to send the sharks into space, so that the main characters get eaten by the sharks and ride them back through the atmosphere to the safety of Earth, one of the characters actually giving birth to a healthy-looking fake baby inside the shark, despite the fact that she only looked about five months pregnant in the first place because I guess that makes it plausible?

It’s almost as if you could say Sharknado 3 jumped the shark… nado? Unlike last year, there weren’t even any fun dumb cameos to look out for other than the ones that were already mentioned. Despite the fact that Sharknado 3 sucked in a way that a movie about tornado-jaunting sharks wasn’t even supposed to suck, and before even waiting for the ratings to come in, Syfy made the bold decision to announce Sharknado 4 at the end of the movie with a cliffhanger by asking audiences to determine the fate of Tara Reid’s character.

If you don’t have Twitter, you can also vote via Syfy’s website, which I find just a bit shady because they don’t let you see the poll results after you’ve voted. As to what we can expect from the next Sharknado, director Anthony C. Ferrante told Variety that he wants it to have “a more international setting” (Sharknado 4: Requins Provenant du Ciel?) and that he’s hoping to acquire Bill Murray to make an appearance. Good luck with that, dude.