Nickelodeon Buried a Time Capsule in 1992 — Here's What's Inside

It was the unforgettable year of 1992. Rage Against the Machine taught the world to love again; a not-so-young Joe Piscopo played Kelly Stone in the Chuck Norris vehicle, Sidekicks; and Nickelodeon, with assistance from the Kids World Council, buried a time capsule in Universal Studios, with items that were deemed “most important to kids at the time,” according to Mental Floss. It will be opened in 2042, but here are its contents…

-VHS copies of Back to the Future and Home Alone
-CDs of Please Hammer, Don’t Hurt ‘Em and Michael Jackson’s Dangerous
-Nintendo Game Boy
-Rollerblades and skateboard
-Reebok Pump sneakers
-Jar of Gak
-Joey Lawrence “whoa!” hat
-“News coverage of the AIDS crisis, Desert Storm, and the end of the Soviet Union”
-World Atlas, history book, comic book, phone book, 1992 TV Guide, and Book of Endangered Species
Nickelodeon magazine and Nicktoons t-shirt featuring Ren and Stimpy
-Piece of the Berlin Wall
-Bunch of random crap: pencils, baseball, Barbie doll, bubblegum, and Twinkies
-Videotape “shot by a girl named Vicky who stood onstage to operate the Kid Cam”
-The camera recording the tape
-“Photos of things too big (or alive) to fit inside.” Corpses, probably

When Hammer becomes the malevolent World Dictator in 2040, Please Hammer, Don’t Hurt ‘Em is going to seem prophetic. The kids of 1992 were trying to warn us. We should have listened to them, not “Yo! Sweetness.”