Write, George R.R. Martin. Write Like the Wind.

Over on Pajiba a few weeks ago, Brian Byrd (who doubles as QueeferSutherland, a regular commenter here) wrote a fascinating prediction piece on ending “Game of Thrones,” wondering what would kill the series first: 1) The exorbitant production costs, 2) The epic length and scope of the series, or the most likely scenario, 3) The death of George R.R. Martin before he finishes writing the series.

And then there’s mortality. As disquieting as it is to consider, there’s a possibility that the 63-year-old won’t live long enough to wrap the series. Martin resembles Santa Claus in many ways, particularly in the midsection, and the fact that he’s a Jets fan can’t thrill his cardiologist. Essentially, Martin could be one Mark Sanchezception away from expiration … and Sanchez throws a lot of interceptions. YOU’RE KILLING AN AMERICAN TREASURE, MARK! THINK BEFORE YOU RELEASE THE BALL!! Point is, there are real questions about both his capacity to have material ready when HBO needs it and his ability to finish it at all.

It is terrifying to consider that the fate of “Game of Thrones” rests on the inaccurate arm of a lousy Jets quarterback, but there you are. George R.R. Martin himself addressed the issue last week, noting that he doesn’t want the series to catch up with him, but you he can’t guarantee that it won’t.

I am aware of the TV series moving along behind me like a giant locomotive, and I know I need to lay the track more quickly, perhaps, because the locomotive is soon going to be bearing down on me. The last thing I want is for the TV series to catch up with me. I’ve got a considerable head start, but production is moving faster than I can write. I’m hoping that we’ll finish the story at about the same time … we’ll see.

It’s appropriate then that someone has come out with an epic music video devoted to this very topic, “George R.R. Martin, Write Like the Wind.” Written by Paul and Storm at Geek and Sundry, the hilarious video compares Martin’s inability to crap out chapters to Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Shakespeare’s relative speed. It’s as catchy as it is nerdy.