Howard Stern Was ‘Really Upset’ Over Lena Headey’s CGI Nude Scene On ‘Game Of Thrones’

Cersei Lannister’s “walk of shame” in the Game of Thrones season five finale was filmed twice, once with a clothed Lena Headey and again with a naked body double, who had never done a nude scene before. Headey has disrobed on camera before, including in 300, but she didn’t in “Mother’s Mercy” because she “wanted to focus on the emotions in her performance.”

Not everyone — even some non-Redditors! — was thrilled with her choice.

In an interesting article about the rise of CGI nudity, Lux Alptraum writes about how betrayed Howard Stern felt after learning that it wasn’t Headey’s body covered in lobbed tomatoes.

In the aftermath of the Game of Thrones finale, none other than Howard Stern felt compelled to speak out about how the scene had betrayed him. As [Mr. Skin founder Jim] McBride describes Stern’s reaction, “It was such a let down when he found out, when they went on our website and we talked about how it wasn’t Lena Headey…

“He was really upset about it. He felt cheated, he felt that, ‘Wow, I’ve invested five seasons in this show, I think Lena Headey’s beautiful, and she finally did this amazing nude scene…’ and then he found out it wasn’t her, and he felt bad.” (Via)

Stern to Game of Thrones: “SHAME.”

I want to hire that woman, and send her to every political debate.

(Via the Verge)