Rob Zombie Burned A Troll Who Called Him A ‘Hipster’

2015 Alternative Press Music Awards
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There are many things you can call metal icon Rob Zombie — musician, director, Jamie Foxx’s skateboard instructor, the guy who named his album Hellbilly Deluxe 2: Noble Jackals, Penny Dreadfuls, and the Systematic Dehumanization of Cool — but “hipster” isn’t one of them.

A fan of Zombie’s Facebook page learned this lesson the hard way after he got burned baby burned by the “Living Dead Girl” singer.

Groucho Marx fanatic Zombie posted a link on Facebook to a video interview he did for his upcoming movie, the Malcolm McDowell- and Judy Greer-starring 31, about five carnival workers who are kidnapped on Halloween, when the following social-media exchange happened.

What’s not hip about a popped collar? And that goofy facial expression? And chin-beard? And calling out someone you’ve never met on Facebook for being a hipster, the laziest insult since “you are worse than Hitler,” despite evidence to the contrary? I mean, besides all of it.

(Via SPIN)