Patrick Stewart Is Looking Forward To Hugh Jackman Getting Old In ‘Wolverine 3’

hugh jackman patrick stewart
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Rumors have been going around for a while that Wolverine 3, supposedly Huge Jacked Man’s–er, excuse me, Hugh Jackman’s swan song as the Canadian mascot, would involve Professor X somehow. To this point, it’s mostly sounded like a cameo… but Patrick Stewart just confirmed that it’s happening, and he’s all over the movie.

Speaking to Collider while promoting his new show Blunt Talk, he mentioned where he was at with Wolverine 3. Wolverin3? Anyway:

There is a project in development. I understand that Professor Xavier will be making more than an appearance, however, and that intrigues me… And the idea of an old Wolverine – I’m really looking forward to Hugh Jackman getting old. You know, damn him. He looks so great!

Of interest, time-hopping appears to be part of the franchise going forward; Ian McKellen is turning up in X-Men: Apocalypse, for example, and Old Man Logan would likely take place in the reality Wolvie wakes up in after he fixes the timeline in Days of Future Past. But we’ll see how Professor X plays into all of this; Wolverine 3 arrives March 2017.

(Via Collider)