There will always someone out there who will write better than us. There will always be a better photographer, better conversationalist, better partier, better skateboarder, better drinker, better surfer, better, better, better.
But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still try.
Ideally, when we see work from people that we consider to be “better” than our own, it should inspire us to try harder, evolve, and grow. At a time when it’s common to hear people mutter that “everyone with a cellphone is a photographer,” we should perk up rather than get cynical. Photography has never been more accessible. On one hand, maybe the majority of work being projected onto the masses is sh*t, but on the other hand Instagram and iPhones have introduced us to a new generation of artists.
Put eloquently in a previous Uproxx article about cell phone photography: “Owning a paintbrush does not make you painter,” and owning a camera does not make you a photographer. Earn the title.
The summer light is fading, so let’s milk the long shadows and golden glow for all they’re worth before the soft, diffused ambiance of winter sets in. This month, let the following images inspire you to take photos that will set you apart as an image-maker. Photos that will remind you of how much living you have to do.
Hashtag your images #404travel to be featured in this space next month.